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  • Air Battle Managers: Offensive Coordinators of the U.S. Air Force

    In Oklahoma many are aware that Tinker Air Force Base is home to the E-3 Airborne Warning and Control System aircraft with the giant roto-dome; many, however, are unaware that this aircraft has a specific role in the Air Force that is like no other – an Air Battle Manager.An ABM is a rated officer

  • USAFA cadets explore AWACS mission during 552 ACW visit

    Twenty-three cadets from the U.S Air Force Academy caught a glimpse of the operational Air Force during their visit to Tinker Air Force Base and the 552nd Air Control Wing, Feb. 27 to March 1.Members of the 966th Airborne Air Control Squadron hosted the event, which included tours of wing

  • AWACS pilot makes history as Red Flag mission commander

    RED FLAG 20-1 marked a significant milestone for the 960th Airborne Air Control Squadron when Capt. Preston Radford, an instructor pilot for the E-3 Sentry Air Warning and Control System, was selected to serve as mission commander for one of the daily exercises.While RED FLAG has been operating out

  • Oklahoma Military Units Succeed as One

    The 552nd Operations Group hosted a joint-service exercise, SENTRY REX 19-2, from Tinker Air Force Base earlier this Fall focused on Combat Search and Rescue mission integration.This is the second time in 20 years that the 552nd OG has hosted this type of exercise, which included CH-47 Chinook

  • 960th flies with the Royal Australian Air Force

    No distance is too far for the 960th Airborne Air Control Squadron, especially when it means integrating with international partners like AustraliaThe 960th AACS traveled to Royal Australian Air Force Base Williamtown earlier this month to test the capabilities of the E-3 Sentry Airborne Warning and

  • New Simulator Building underway for 552nd Air Control Wing

    Shovels overturned the first piles of dirt during a groundbreaking ceremony for a new 552nd Air Control Wing Consolidated Simulator Building August 16, 2019 on Tinker Air Force Base.This ground breaking ceremony is in response to Congress mandating all Department of Defense simulations being located

  • AGE: more than a behind-the-scenes operation

    The Aerospace Ground Equipment flight at Tinker Air Force Base is a silent but important partner, in the overall mission.According to the AGE section chief, Tech. Sgt. Ryan Dunlap, the flight is within the 552nd Maintenance Group, and maintains equipment such as hydraulic test stands, diesel

  • 552nd ACW Fuel Systems Creates New Tool in 12 Hours

    TINKER AIR FORCE BASE, Okla. – “What’s the game plan,” said the Accessories Flight Chief. “Well sir I do not think you are going to like it… we are going to have to do something that has never been done before,” replied Tech. Sgt. Marquis Gaines.This was the conversation that led to the creation of