AF siblings
On June 7, the Maldonado family traveled from around the world for Senior Master Sgt. David Maldonado's retirement from Det. 1, 552nd Air Control Squadron. It's the first time the seven siblings, all active-duty Air Force, have been in uniform and in one place at the same time since leaving home. Pictured are Chief Master Sgt. John Maldonado (Aviano AB, Italy), Senior Master Sgt. David Maldonado (Eglin AFB, Fla.), Senior Airmen Emmanuel Maldonado (Keesler AFB, Miss.), Karla Lucas (Holloman, AFB, N.M.), and Juan Maldonado (Kirtland AFB, N.M.), Airmen 1st Class Marcos Maldonado (Camp Darby, Italy) and Ernesto Maldonado (Barksdale AFB, La.). (U.S. Air Force photo/Sara Vidoni)