Above, Chaplain (Capt.) Kraig Smith with the 72nd Air Base Wing Chaplain Corps at Tinker Air Force Base, Okla., provides the opening prayer during a memorial service for Staff Sgt. Daniel Fannin. More than 1,700 people packed the Rose State College Performing Arts Theater Monday for a memorial service for the former sensor operator assigned to the 552nd Operations Support Squadron, who was killed April 27 along with three other Airmen in a plane crash near Kandahar Airfield in southern Afghanistan. Seated on the stage are, from left, Pastor Craig Born, Gethsemane Lutheran Church; Master Sgt. Christopher Charpentier, who served previously with Fannin in the 960th Airborne Air Control Squadron at Tinker; and Col. Greg Guillot, commander, 552nd Air Control Wing. Fannin, 30, originally of Morehead, Ky., is survived by his wife, Sonya, of Oklahoma City. (Air Force photo by Darren D. Heusel/Released)