JOINT BASE SAN ANTONIO-RANDOLPH, Texas -- Air Force officials have raised the course limit for civilian tuition assistance from one course per semester or quarter to two courses for fiscal year 2018.
The Air Force chose to increase the course limit, following the annual end-of-year TA program review, based on interest across the civilian career fields and available TA funds.
“Civilian tuition assistance exists to offset costs for courses that contribute to occupational and institutional competencies, special interest needs and readiness by supporting the current and future needs of the Air Force,” said Brian Cyr, Human Resource Development Specialist at the Air Force’s Personnel Center. “This includes courses that will provide employees breadth of knowledge and problem-solving tools that aid in critical thinking, allowing individuals to address a wide range of problems and assess alternative solutions.”
TA will cover up to 75 percent of tuition, not including books and fees. The cap remains $250 dollars per semester hour or $166 per quarter hour and is authorized up to $4,500 per person per fiscal year.
“The Air Force reviews the Civilian Tuition Assistance Program every year and makes any necessary adjustments or changes,” Cyr said. “Raising the cap on the number of courses our employees can take is just another way the Air Force strives to ensure we are an employer of choice for our nation’s best and brightest talent.”
Permanent full-time appropriated fund employees, including wage grade employees, are eligible to use the Civilian Tuition Assistance Program. TA applicants need to apply through the Air Force Virtual Education Center portal and the career field team must approve the request.
Additional information about tuition assistance can be found on the civilian Force Development landing page on myPers. Alternatively, select “Civilian” from the dropdown menu and search “Tuition.”
For more information about Air Force personnel programs, go to myPers. Individuals who do not have a myPers account can request one.