New Commander addresses Airmen of 12th Air Force Published Jan. 12, 2015 By Lt. Gen. Mark C. Nowland 12th Air Force (Air Forces Southern) DAVIS-MONTHAN AIR FORCE BASE, ARIZ. -- To all of the 12th Air Force Community, Happy Holidays! My wife Kristan, my three children, and I are excited to join this outstanding 12th AF community. I cannot adequately express how honored and humbled I feel to join this community as the Commander. I certainly appreciate the exceptional efforts of General and Mrs. Charlene Wolters in leading 12th AF to outstanding mission accomplishment. Kristan and I look forward to earning your trust, and getting to know you and your families. While leading 12th AF and Air Forces Southern in producing and providing the trained and ready airmen this nation needs to fight the threats facing America, we will strive to balance mission and family. In 1971, Coach John Wooden, the championship basketball coach of UCLA, wrote a note to his very successful team at the beginning of another championship season. I've paraphrased his words as our wings face a myriad of challenges across our community. I know each Wing, Group and Squadron has their own unique set of challenges, but in the end 12th AF is still a team. As such, Coach Wooden said, If each of you make every effort to develop to the best of your ability, follow the proper rules of conduct and activity most conducive to good physical, mental and spiritual condition, subordinate individual acclaim for the welfare of the team, and permit no personality clashes or differences of opinion with teammates or supervisors to interfere with your teammate's efforts, it will be a very rewarding year. We look forward to the adventure. Chris Nowland Lt Gen, USAF Commander